55th Reunion, Class Of Sixty

With some memorabilia

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The Old


The New

Photo by Ron McMicking


Back Row:  Frank May, Dave Foster, Brian Wilson, Mike Fairweather, Peter Kerr, Brian Hitchens, Ron McMicking, Phil Johnston, Craig Mearns, Rob Farquhar, Eileen Lugossy, Diane Dyer, Richard Goodall

Middle Row:  Bronwen Harmston, John Youson, Gerry Porter, Kent Elliott, Hugh Rothe, John DeBourcier, Donna Vaesen,

Front Row:  Lynda Faulks, Maureen Sawkins, Lianne Hunter, Martha Downing, Tammy Hinch



On September 11, 12, 13, the Oak Bay High School Class of Sixty held its reunion to celebrate 55 years since graduation.  It was a wonderful opportunity to be taken on a guided tour of the new school, a facility so outstanding and so far removed from anything we have ever known. Words could not begin to describe the massive and complex building where 54 million was spent to create the most advanced facility one could imagine.  Picture your average shopping mall and you are pretty close to the size.  We hope the photos taken by some of the class will give you an idea what it is like but you would have to actually be there to fully absorb the fact that very little of school as we remember it, exists.  There aren't desks with ink wells as we knew them, but tables and four comfortable chairs for each.  Black boards are gone.  Text books are gone.  Instead, the student has a tablet where books are downloaded and classroom interaction is displayed on a huge monitor in the front of the room.  The gym is huge with a sprung floor and there is even a room complete with sprung floor and rails for students studying ballet.   There is a theatre for live performances and scenery that can be moved swiftly between acts.  The layout of the school is simplified for the new student by means of a huge monitor at the front entrance displaying a map of the school.  It would be totally impossible to attempt a full description of the new Oak Bay in these pages. 

For those of us who signed up for the tour, we were very fortunate to have been afforded the opportunity to see it first hand.  As they say, it was something else.


September 11th


At 5pm we went to the Oak Bay Rec. Centre for a social evening.  An excellent selection of hors d'oeuvres and finger food accompanied by wine, were enjoyed.  A group photo was taken and tables with memorabilia provided a 40s, 50s and 60s theme along with music of the day.  Gifts were given to the organizers along with a special presentation to Peter and Lilian Kerr, thanking them for their hospitality in organizing a barbecue for the following evening.  A framed print of the old Oak Bay Boathouse was presented by Richard Goodall whose father had painted the original in 1952.  Everyone signed the back.


September 12th


The weather was clear and warm for a gathering at the residence of Peter and Lilian Kerr.  Appropriate refreshments that accompanied a steak barbecue were much enjoyed.  Class president John Youson cut the large cake and gave a well presented talk to those present.  It was a great finale to another fine reunion and unfortunate that so many were either unable or chose not to attend, since it may well be the last major gathering of the class.



September 13


 Nine of us met for a Sunday brunch at The Oaks.  A nice finale. The Oaks was originally the Oak Bay Grocery, then the Blethering, The Bistro and now the Oaks.  A little bit of Oak Bay history on the corner of Monterey and Oak Bay Ave.


We had a lot of photos submitted for this event and have attempted to display as many as possible without too much repetition.

Please note that we are using maiden names for the women in the class


      Photos by Ted Elliott      

Ron McMicking, Hugh Rothe, Bob Doell   


Donna Chatfield, Phil, Rob Farquhar


Ron, Craig Mearns


Bob Doell, John Youson


Maureen Dowling, Phil Johnston


Craig, Eileen Whiting


Janice and Gerry Porter


Margaret DeBourcier, Rob, John, Richard, Maureen


Brian Wilson


Rob McAdams, Carol Bloomquist


Lynda Holker


Brian Hitchens


The school theatre from the stage


Dance studio


Stairway with friendship benches




Chef Craig






      Photos by Richard Goodall      

Diane Wilson, Bronwen Lamport

Craig, Eileen, Donna

Diane, Bronwen, John

School entrance

Front entrance

Biology/zoology class room

New concept for desks

A typical class room

Lockers.  Very little to put in them

Wine and buffet social at the Rec. Centre

Hugh and Brian

Lianne Catt and Martha Attwell

Jan Fairweather, Lynda, Eileen

Phil, Peter


Craig, Mike Fairweather

Donna, Pam,Kent Elliott

Kent, Martha, Lynda, Sam Baker


Appropriate refreshments

Framed print of the old Oak Bay boat house

Ted and Lianne


Craig and Dave with year book

Vicki and Bob Turner

Jasmine and Graham Ross-Smith


Lee Gould, "Fernando"

Betty Youson,

Linda McMicking

Mike, Ron

Brunch at the Oaks

      Photos by Lianne  Hunter      

Peter receiving the gift from the committee

Darlene Elliott, Bronwen, Margaret DeBourcier

Tammy Hinch

Martha, Lianne & John

John speaking to the group

      Photos by Mike Fairweather      

Craig's beautiful Mercedes

Lee restored this great Cadillac



Please scroll down for some memorabilia. 


Chair from the old school

And finally, the chair and the stool that Tammy managed to get from the demolition site of the old school.  Seen here in my very cluttered workshop, I want to use the wood from the chair to make something to remember the old building by.  The stool will get a re finish and anyone is welcome to it.  The chair is maple, lots of patina with the mandatory wad of gum stuck to the underside.  What part of the school where it spent its life is anyone's guess.  I will take it apart and mill all the useable pieces.  From there it will be a matter of deciding what to make from it.  I will not be keeping it, but where it goes will have to be decided somewhere down the road.  I will post more pictures to record its transformation as time goes on.


Knocked apart. Most of the curved pieces will not be used.


Trimmed and run through the planer


A box seems to be the best choice

Taking shape

Getting close to completion.  School crest lasered on the top.


Lined inside with school colours.

The box is now at the new school in a display cabinet.


We hope to create a number of memorabilia windows here.  Many of these photos were kindly submitted by Gail Randall Brighton.  A lot of memories here.  If you have anything from this period of time that has not been already posted on the site that you would like to contribute, please email them to me. 

Click to enlarge.


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Susie, Alan, John & Roz


Rob McAdams' hot rod, 1959


Richard's 47 Merc. rod


Gary standing outside his customized 49 Pontiac.

Brian Wilson's 1931 Model A Ford cabriolet.


Sandy Halkett (left) & Diane Wilson on Prospect Place approaching Beach Drive.  Photo by Bill Halkett.



Lee Gould's 1930 Ford hot rod.

"Vitamin A"


A few photos from the first reunion in 1980.  Courtesy of Jill Boorman Slagboom