Our 60th Birthday Celebration at the home of Craig Mearns and Deb Gray



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Craig Mearns, Deb Gray


Their home.

Great day for the birthday

Sandy McKeachie

Graham Reid, Peter, Gary

George, Ted Elliott

Brian Wilson

Ron McKeever

Lianne Catt  Phil Johnston, Wendy Hocking

Zoel Fraine

Dave Foster

Ian Else, Frank May

Ron and Linda McMicking

Lee Gould

Brian "Fernando" Hitchens

Diane Wilson

Byron Heal

Richard Goodall

Bryan Bradbury

Catherine Dale and Conrad Johansen

Tammy Hinch

John Youson

Tom Miles

Martha Daysmith

Ron, Lynda Holker

Mike and Pat Gibbs

Pat Noon

Rob Farquhar, Dave

Margot Baker,

Paul Lawrance,

Ron Spence

Sandra McLeod

Gary, John deBourcier, Mike

Ron Roberts

Betty Bunton

Norm Thomson & Betty Bunton Thomson

Lynda, Diane Wiper , Lynn MacLennan

Laurel Page, Norm

Harold &  Gail Tippett Schofield


Judy Anderson

Ron, Frank


Peter, Frank, Ron

Suz Foster

Group photo

Roz Johnston
