Our 65th Birthday Celebration, August 31st, 2007


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Peter and Lilian Kerr were our hosts for a very memorable birthday celebration at their beautiful home and surrounding property overlooking the water.  Their new home was two years in the making and features a blend of Edwardian architecture with an Arts & Crafts theme.  Although their home has all the latest in 21st century features,  they are surrounded by a  spacious interior of beamed ceilings, paneled doors, hand crafted furniture and a solid oak grand staircase that remind you of another time in elegant living.  

The day began with rain but finally cleared by noon allowing the guests to socialize over a great selection of wine and hors d'oeuvres.  For at least one or two guests, this was their first opportunity to participate in a class function and re connect with old friends.   With two barbecues and tables of food, everyone enjoyed a splendid dinner on the patio and in the garden.   A large birthday cake was brought out followed by a card and book presentation to Peter and Lilian by class president John Youson.   As the evening wound down, Gary and Richard brought out their guitars and accompanied songs from the fifties and sixties sung around the fire pit.   It was a great time enjoyed by all.




Ron McMicking, Karen Davidson Chapman and Peter Kerr


Peter, Lianne and John


Carol Kirkendale Winterbottom, Carol Dumbleton Roome


Ron, Betty & John Youson

Robin Farquhar, Lynne MacLennan Schulnik, Martha Daysmith Baker

Bob Chapman, Lynne, Gary and Sam Baker

Charmaine Armstrong Bradley, Peter

Phil, Sandy McKeechie Forbes

Lianne, Karen, Phil

Phil Winterbottom in front

Ron, Betty Youson

Phil Johnston & Connie's husband Matheus


Peter, Lianne, Laurel Page Johnson, John Hunter

Charmaine, Jill Boorman Slagboom

Charmaine, Martha, Wendy

Connie, Lynne,

Connie, Peter


George and Linda

Lianne, Charmain, Lynne, Richard

Bob Chapman, Ron, Bronwen, Sam and Martha Baker

Robin, Karen and Bob Chapman, Phil

Laurel, George, Peter, Linda

Carol, Ron, John

The group

Lilian, Phil , Wendy, Donna Chatfield Vaesen

Sandy and John


Lilian Kerr, Peter and Lianne introducing John Youson


Lilian and Peter


George and Linda O'Briain, Wendy Pite Hannington


Peter holding a small gift from the group.

Peter, Sandy, Richard

Gary playing along to "Four Strong Winds"