When we were young.


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Bronwen Lamport

Byron Heal

Charmaine Armstrong

Craig Mearns

Dave Foster


Diane Wiper

Don Ingham

Eileen Whiting

Hugh Rothe

John Youson's birthday

Lainne Catt

Lynne MacLennan

Martha Daysmith

Maureen Dowling

Mike Fairweather

Peter Kerr

Phil Johnston

Robin Farquhar

Roz Johnston

John Youson, Ron McMicking,  Bob Turner

Suz Foster, Al Savage, John Youson, Roz Johnston

Tammy Hinch

Tom Miles

Richard Goodall

Rob McAdams

Back row:  x, Richard Goodall, Alan Savage, x, Pat Barclay

Middle row:  Alan Mayhew,Tony Wattie, Norm Isherwood,Peter Fortye, David Walker

Front: Bernard Goward, Michael Lyon

Dick Kirk & Roger Searson

Sandy McKeachie


Mike Gibbs

Name withheld
