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Family Photos and a few early sketches


The Goodall Family residence in Wells, Somerset, England where Edward Goodall was born in 1909.  This 1911 photo is taken of parents Sidney and Mabel Goodall with their son Edward (Ted).

At age 8 Edward Goodall was sent to boarding school in Wales where he would eventually study art under the guidance of art master Marcus Holmes of the Herkomer school.

Edward Goodall  was already considering a career in art by the time this photo was taken in 1929. He had decided to travel to other parts of the world including Canada and India.

Ted Goodall spent the winter of 1932 working for Syd and Ivey Bamber who ran the Wabamun Trading Co. at Wabamun Alberta.  Here he cut ice blocks among other things for 5.00 a month.  This pen and ink sketch was his first Canadian drawing and is believed to be Whitewood Farm.


Sketch of a child done in 1933.  She could be one of the 6 Bamber children.


India, 1935.  Edward Goodall was a foreman on a tea plantation in Assam India while traveling the world.  He did free lance drawings at this time.


A very early pen and ink drawing of a tea planter's bungalow in Assam.


Another pen and ink drawing of some shoreline in Ceylon made during his many travels.


Travels took him back to Canada and to Vancouver Island, B.C. where he is seen here on Forbidden Plateau in 1936.


When W.W.2 broke out in 1939, Edward Goodall enlisted with the Royal Canadian Engineers where he became involved in the design and implementation of camouflage


The studio was located in the original coach house seen to the left in the centre photo below and this was where the art career of Edward Goodall began.    In 1954 the studio was moved into the house where it remained until 1968.    At this time Edward Goodall and his wife Carol moved to a new home with a large studio where they remained until his death in 1982.   His career in art would not begin until the end of the war following his discharge from the army.   He soon purchased a home in Oak Bay on Vancouver Island where his career in art was finally launched. Photos of the 1913 house shown below.

The Oak Bay family home built in 1912 was located on a secluded quarter acre.


 "Inchgarth"  The Oak Bay family home from 1945 until 1968.


In 1937 he married Carol Puckle in Victoria, B.C.


Christmas 1960



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Ted and Carol Goodall 1962


Carol Goodall 1970



Ted riding on Sulphur Mt. Banff Alberta 1954


Ted (left) and friends at Alpine Club of Canada ski camp



Richard above Lake O'Hara, B.C. 1962 during a hiking holiday in the Canadian Rockies.



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Painting on Vancouver Island BC 1954


Ted at an Alpine Club of Canada summer camp

Circa 1956


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Completing a drawing in the studio, 1957



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A sketching trip in the Canadian Rockies 1960s


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Many of British Columbia's most beautiful homes have been painted.



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Ted sketching, 1980


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Working on a drawing at an annual ski camp in the Canadian Rockies


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Early morning at the easel. 1980



1970s Painting at the Milner estate "Long Distance" on Vancouver Island.  Ted and his wife Carol were often guests of Veronica Milner.  This is one of the last photos taken of him before he died.