Homecoming Walk

September 22/06

  The following class members and guests walked or met us at the Fairfield Pub.  Dave Foster, Gary Wilcox, Charmaine Armstrong Bradley, Lianne Catt Hunter, Brian Wilson, Richard Goodall, Ron McMicking, George and Linda O'Briain, John Sargent, Bob Turner, John Youson, Diane Wilson Dyer, Tammy Hinch Lacroix, Terry Bradshaw Williams, Ron McKeever, Phil Johnston.

Return to the scrap book

10:45 a.m. arrivals at Ogden Point.

The numbers increase.

Enjoying sunshine and ocean breeze.

Pausing to reflect at the McMicking family plot in Ross Bay Cemetery. Ron, Diane,the O'Briains and Brian Wilson

Noon hour at the pub.

Ron McKeever and Tammy Hinch Lacroix

Gary Wilcox, Charmaine Armstrong Bradley, George O'Briain, Linda and Diane Wilson Dyer.

The other end of the table.  Diane, Ron, Terry Bradshaw Williams, Lianne Catt Hunter, Richard, Dave Foster, John Sargent,  Phil Johnston

A surprise visit from Bob Turner.

Bob and John sharing war stories.

Terry and Bob. Bob doing a splendid imitation of his response in school when asked to explain the Pythagoreon Theorem and its many proofs.

Ron McMicking, Terry

John Sargent (Vic High 60),  Phil, Brian and John.  We were very pleased to have John Sargent join us and carry the torch for Jan.

Dave, John and Phil.

Bronwen Lamport Harmston and Diane.

Farewell to an old friend.  A few of us gathered at the Snug for the last time.  The old hotel will close November 5th.  Great memories.