Our Scrapbook
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Ted Blenkinsop 1920-1945

Oak Bay class of 37.  Click HERE to read his story



Tammy Hinch receives bravery award in 1949.  Click HERE to read the story.

Stan Foogle

by Gary Wilcox



Gary created Stan Foogle while at OBHS

Click here to visit Stan's website


Gary Wilcox's Woody Woodpecker which he made in Miss Tait's grade 7 art class, OBJHS,  at age 12.


An early sixties photo of Gary's band. Click HERE to listen to a 1966 recording written by Gary.  In it he plays lead guitar accompanied by his brother Bill, Harry Creech and Jim Smith.  Jim, hubby of classmate Elizabeth Campbell, was inducted into Victoria's Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame in September 2006


40th Reunion of the band in 2006.

From the left, Bill Wilcox, Jim Smith, Harry Creech and Gary Wilcox


Note the custom tail lights that were moulded into fiberglass


Car was "shaved and decked" (chrome and other accessories removed.)   Notice the custom grill and hood air scoop along with a 57 Chev grill.


Brian's 1966 Ford Mustang (2004)


Jim Smith (1941-2009).  Photo courtesy of Norm Pringle.


Afternoon Chat

 by Roy Mercer.

To visit Roy's web site and view his gallery of paintings,

Click Here






Aurora's Heartbeat

 by Laurel (Page) Johnson

To visit Laurel's web site,

 Click Here



Painting by Lynda (Holker) Faulks.  To see more of her work please visit



Charmaine has edited and recently published her mother's poignant and often humorous story of their family's struggle to survive in Northern Alberta during the Depression. Charmaine's mom was 91 when she passed away in 2006.

Click here to enjoy a few pages from this book.



 To see Lynne's paintings, you are invited to visit her web site.

Click Here


Doug Gilmour.  See email chat for December/06

Richard Cox


Lianne Catt Hunter and Rosemary Hay Hahn


Remember the column, Seen In Passing?  Here is one from a copy of The Oak Leaf.


Tom Miles builds beautifully detailed wooden toys in his Comox workshop.  Please click here to see some fine examples.


Ron's project



Lee Gould's beautifully restored 1949 Cadillac.  The car originally belonged to Lee's father.

Ed Sunday kindly searched out these photos of his beautifully customised 48 Chev. coupe. Ed's many talents included the art of pinstriping which found its place on nearly all of Victoria's trophy winning hot rods and customs.

Photos courtesy of Ed Sunday (Class of 59)


Ed's bodywork was outstanding. Among the many custom features were the moulded rear fenders


This has to be a classic scene from the late fifties!

The Catt family's 58 Pontiac and their "summer home" on wheels


The Snug.  This was the place to find the reunion committee prior to our reunion in 200

Oak Bay walk

Walk at Willows

Working on Reunion 2000

Oak Bay walk

Oak Bay walk

Vancouver walk


Willows Beach

Penny Farthing, Oak Bay

Sharon Kirk Mason & son Jason Priestley


Moira Jackson Bandurka & Margot Baker Opseth meeting again in 2005 after 45 years


Shirley (Menkes) Grossman and husband Larry with their family (2006)


Tom & Richard at the  Java Cabaņa, Salmon Arm


The Hunters standing outside Hunterston Castle


Tom, George and Linda at the train show in Victoria.


October 29/04 walk.  To view more photos, click on this link:

Brian (Fernando) Hitchens

Vancouver walk April 6th, 2006

To see more photos, please click here.

Mike Gibbs holding his 65th birthday gift at the Crow and Gate pub, June 4th/06

Click Here for more

Homecoming walk, September 22/06

Click on the photo for pictures.


Feb. 07 walk.  Seated from the left, Brian, Frank, Dave, Paul, Lianne, Irene, Tom, Peter.  Woody's Grill, Sidney.


January 25/08 walk to the 4 Mile


July 8/10 walk from West Bay Marina to Spinnaker's Pub.

Some of the women from our class gather for lunch in Victoria, February 3/11

They include Donna, Carol, Lianne, Lue, Tammy, Martha, Bronwen, Therese, Lynn, Marjorie, Susan, Val, Jill.


Bronwen admiring Lee Gould's 49 Caddy at the Oak Bay Car Show, August 2011.


Dana Garner Bourne's garden.  The honeysuckle "home" was constructed by Dana.


Click on the program


Walk to Penny Farthing May/12

Brian Wilson,  Frank May, Jim Powell, Dave Foster, Dana Bourne, Martha Downing, Lianne Hunter, Bob Sharp, John Sargent, Ron McKeever, Richard Goodall


Ladies Luncheon February 2016.

Martha, Lianne, Diane, Bronwen, Carol


Sitting at the other side of the table.

Carol, Jill, Tammy, Val, Lynda


Lianne's birthday April 2016


May 2016 walk to Ross Bay pub.

Top...Ron McMicking, Phil Johnston, Dave Foster, Richard Goodall, Tom Miles.

Middle.. Sandy Forbes, George O'Briain,

Front... Ron McKeever, Tammy Lacroix, Frank May


Lianne's birthday, April 2017.  Seated from the left, Jill Boorman Slagboom, Rosemary Hay Hahn, Lianne, Martha Attwell Downing, Gail Smith Bauer, Carol Kirkendale Winterbottom




Jill Slagboom's birthday June 29th/18

Carol Winterbottom, Martha Downing, Carol

 Roome, Lianne Hunter


June 2016 walk to pub

George, Brian, Frank, Martha, Terry, Dave, Tammy, Ron, Maureen, Phil, Graham



Lunch, Jan.2019

Names listed in the next photo.


Lunch, Jan. 2019 cont.

 Ron McMicking, Graham Ross- Smith, Brian Wilson, Frank May, Lynda Holker, Maureen Dowling, Ted Elliott, John Youson, Roy Mercer, Peter Kerr, Sue McLean, Jim Powell, Martha Attwell, Lianne Catt, Tasma Hinch

Note. Those hidden from view will be seen in the first photo.



Chinese New Year